Natalie and Andrew's Bent Taco wedding

These guys were SO much fun.  If you ever want to throw a wedding together in 3 weeks, talk to them about just how to pull it off.  From a first look at Collingwood harbour, run through a pumpkin patch, quick visit to Collingwood's gem of a whiskey bar, and a beautiful intimate ceremony at the best Taco joint in town...I don't know how you could do it better.

Alex and Taylor sunrise engagement over the Creemore hills

I had wanted so badly to do a sunrise engagement and these two gems were game.  When my alarm went off that morning I really wondered at my sanity.  This was the most beautiful, most rewarding morning.  I came home jittery I was so excited about the images.  Alex was jittery too, because she was starving by the time we were done!